Following the example of Benin, the Climate Commission for the Sahel Region (CCRS) is delighted with the smooth running of the validation workshop for the study on identifying Côte d’Ivoire’s capacity-building needs in the field of climate change adaptation, as well as the roadmap for setting up the CCRS National Working Group for Côte d’Ivoire.
Opportunity for the Executive Secretary of the Climate Commission for the Sahel Region SEM. Issifi Boureima thanked the authorities and all those involved, in particular the CCRS focal points KONAN Andé Jean Yves Roland and YAPI Assoma Lionel Leroy, for their commitment to the success of the meeting.
SEM. Issifi Boureima reiterates his congratulations to the entire CLS technical and administrative team involved in this process, for their regular hard work. “May they thus receive my deserved tributes and sustained encouragement as I pray to God to honor their daily actions in the service of the Sahel region.”
The next stage of this process is Senegal in July, with the hope of maintaining the momentum with the host stakeholders.